7 years of content design experience and 11 years total writing experience

Capital One

Collections: A user journey through account delinquency[Identity]: Biometrics, passwords and overall securityContent Audit: A comprehensive audit of the Identity Builder website


UX Design Course (coming soon)Data Science Course (coming soon)




Truist One Checking: A checking account with serious perks


Articles: Long-form articles designed for financial education in a digestible format


Taxonomy: A categorization system to improve the search experience for users


My career includes work for fintech, e-commerce, and online education spanning from small businesses to large enterprises

Capital One

COMPANY: Capital OneMY ROLE: Principal Content DesignerCHALLENGE:
Users who have missed payments on their card had no indication upon logging into their account that anything was amiss.
1. Have messaging that indicates delinquency without shaming users into no longer logging into their account
2. Prompt users into taking action so their account isn't delinquent anymore

Account page

Added a warning message about card status on the account page

Final update
A simplified version of 2 distinct pathways a user must choose from

Payment Plan

Company: Capital OneRole: Principal Content DesignerProject: Content AuditChallenge: I was tasked with auditing one of our internal platforms, Identity Builder (IDB). The site was ONLY being used by developers and PMs to request security features for their apps. The goal was to get EVERYONE in Capital One to see the benefits of IDB and use it for themselves.Solution: Conducting a comprehensive audit allowed me to find inconsistencies and other issues that could be solved with design thinking.


Company: TruistRole: Senior Content StrategistChallenge:
Truist launched a new product, a one-stop-shop checking account, One Checking. So how do we sell ANOTHER financial product in an oversaturated sea of financial products to existing (and new) customers?
My content strategy was to lead with the benefits but also be transparent about the steps that the process of opening a One Checking account entails. We had to make sure the customer had all the information they needed to make a decision to enroll.


Company: Chase BankRole: Senior UX WriterChallenge
Chase wanted to create an information hub to demystify the credit scoring system. The design team had access to a lot of general financial information but it read like an encyclopedia that would've made user engagement impossible.
Write Chase's financial articles using benefit-heavy copy that breaks down important information, defines terminology, addresses customer concerns regarding their personal scores, and provides next steps for them. Combining writing and visual elements was key here. Working alongside UX designers, we supplemented the information we had with graphs, personalized side bars, and embedded links to relevant information.
[This article read like an encyclopedia page. It was full of technical jargon and difficult financial terms. The entire thing was text-heavy and needless to say, not many users read it.]{#red}


Company: ShutterstockRole: UX CopywriterChallenge: Users of Shutterstock had to rely on the search feature or spend hours mindlessly browsing through a ton of content to find what they're looking for. This was a less than ideal user experience.Solution: Creating a UX taxonomy system that organized all of Shutterstock's content into categories and accompanying subcategories created a seamless and simple search experience. It also reduced the time users spend searching for information.

About me

Hi, I'm Duaa Osman.
I'm a former chemist who realized very quickly that writing was my true passion. I've been a copywriter for 4 years and lucky enough to find my way to UX design, where I've been comfortably curious for the past 7 years.
